Puzzle Time in the Fellowship Hall – 1pm

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

Come and work on a puzzle with us or just enjoy the company! Anyone is welcome to come and participate. If you have any questions, contact Savanah Hofstetter Ressler.

Fellowship Hall Reserved

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

Fellowship hall reserved by church member.


Sunday School – 9:30am

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES AVAILABLE Adult Classes Women’s Class: Room 1-Education Side Mixed Intergenerational Class: Room 2-Education Side Men’s Class: Room 9-Hallway Mixed Post-High/20’s-40’s: Basement Children/Youth Classes PreK-4th Grade: Rooms 7-8 […]


Sunday Worship – 10:30am

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

Join us - in person or online - with Pastor Nathanael Hofstetter Ressler


Ladies Sewing & Comforter Knotting

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

Come join us for ladies sewing and comforter knotting.  The group meets the first Wednesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring a lunch and spend the day, or […]

Puzzle Time in the Fellowship Hall-1pm

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

Come and work on a puzzle with us or just enjoy the company! Anyone is welcome to come and participate. If you have any questions, contact Savanah Hofstetter Ressler.


Sunday Worship – 10:30am

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

Join us - in person or online - with Pastor Nathanael Hofstetter Ressler

Spring Cleaning & Outside Work Night @ the Church-6pm

Maple Grove Mennonite 2121 Smith-Kramer St., Hartville, OH, United States

The Building & Grounds Committee is planning a spring cleaning & outside work night at the church on Wednesday, May 10, beginning at 6:00 p.m. We’ll need everyone’s help to […]