Come and work on a puzzle with us or just enjoy the company! Anyone is welcome to come and participate. If you have any questions, contact Savanah Hofstetter Ressler.
We join together in giving thanks for Christ’s life, death, resurrection and the gift of Salvation with believers from around the world.
Join us - in person or online!
Come join us for ladies sewing and comforter knotting. The group meets the first Wednesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a lunch and spend the day, or come for just a bit. We enjoy each other’s friendship while we quilt and knot comforters.
Come and work on a puzzle with us or just enjoy the company! Anyone is welcome to come and participate. If you have any questions, contact Savanah Hofstetter Ressler.
Family Ministry has scheduled a picnic to be held after church (noon) on Sunday, October 9, at Scott & Kami Sommers’ house. All ages are welcome! Lunch will be provided – bring your lawn chairs and join the church for fellowship and games for the afternoon. The Browns game will be shown outdoors on the […]
Join us - in person or online - with Pastor Nathanael Hofstetter Ressler
The second Thursday of each month is Maple Grove's turn to supply volunteers at the Hartville Thrift Shoppe. Men and women are needed at 6:00 p.m.