Darin Nissley will be bringing the message. Darin is the Executive Director of Lighthouse Ministries in Canton.
Mark your calendars for VBS this summer – July 26-30! Partnering with Evermore Community Church, VBS will be held at Evermore from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Each morning the children will have a short lesson, do a craft, eat a snack, play games outside (weather permitting), and make new friends. We know your children will enjoy the […]
The Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale will be an in-person event this year. The sale, which raises funds for Mennonite Central Committee, will take place August 6-7 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster. - Major items, including quilts, furniture, tools, and other large items, will be sold at auction on Saturday, August 7, starting at […]
The Church Campout Weekend is being planned by Ministry of Congregational Care for August 14-15 at Lake O’Pines Campground. Activities are being planned for Saturday afternoon and evening with a chicken BBQ dinner on Saturday. Our worship service and baptism will be on Sunday at Lake O’Pines with a carry-in meal at noon. Swimming is […]
Church office closed.