After the meal, Pastor Terry will lead a discussion on what are your expectations of a pastor. Activities are planned for all ages.
– Kids ages Kindergarten and under will have a class offered in the nursery. They will have time to play, watch a movie and have popcorn.
– Kids grades 1-8 (Kids’ Club and Jr. Youth), will be eating supper at church from 6-6:30 p.m. and promptly leaving at 6:30 for Glazed and Amused in North Canton to paint pottery. Please send $8 with your child for this activity. We will return to the church by the end of midweek class.
– Youth Group will be playing Bible Jeopardy. The Jr. Youth group (grades 5-8) has the option of going with Kids’ Club to Glazed and Amused, or doing Bible Jeopardy with the Youth Group.